
Halifax / Kjipuktuk
Located in Mi’kma’ki, the traditional territory of the Mi’kmaq people.

Contact Information:

To inquire about consultation, research, or evaluation, please contact Dr. Yates here.

Dr. Yates provides direct psychological services to individuals through Anchored Psychological Services and Dartmouth Psychological Services.

A Note On Our Name Change:

Our original name, Cabot Consulting and Research Services, Inc., honoured Dr. Yates’ father, who owned a business also named after the Italian explorer, John Cabot, credited with “discovering” Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. The name is popular and widely used in this area. However, this name is also deeply rooted in the legacy of colonization and its deep and lasting impact on First Nations peoples, and was changed so as not to contribute to perpetuating harm.

– Pamela Yates